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Thoughts about Health

Got Health not Cancer©

by Sel Sarkin

This question hopefully will unsettle some of the dust that has gathered around your life and raise a few heartfelt questions.

You may already be doing the right things to get cancer.

This guide will make sure you are on track and point out the dos and don’ts for getting cancer.

Most of us are in denial about one thing or another.

When it comes to food, well we all bury our head in the ground like the famous Ostrich bird and pretend that everything is fine, the binge we are about to embark on can do no harm.

First let’s try to shed some light on why cancer is so prevalent in the world today.

Simply put we live in a polluted world and have become toxic ourselves. Not only physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually as well..

My 90 year old mother cannot understand why it is such a common topic. She said in her day the word was hardly mentioned and when someone had it, they were already advanced in years.

Today we hear about children with cancer, 18 year old girls with breast cancer, 24 year old male with leukemia, 31 year old male with liver cancer, 39 year old female with colon cancer. The list goes on with reports of people being diagnosed at earlier and earlier ages.

So if you are in denial about your health and lifestyle you lead, read on.

The medical establishment appreciates it (tongue in cheek) when you do get cancer.

You have become another willing guinea pig for their grand experiments and pay the bills that keep the system in place.

You are now a statistic.

Like the war, research must continue. Although we know this is a quest for the Holy Grail, never to be found. Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine goes back more than 10,000 years.

No new inventions or discoveries are needed to get rid of cancer. Eating the right foods and getting rid of toxins are the key.

The modern medical system is in place. It is a well-oiled machine, generating huge revenues, shaping the world, feeding the greedy, keeping you ignorant.

We have gone to great lengths to ensure the continuation of cancer mainly through polluting our planet and the food we eat. We have been brain washed into consuming all kinds of substances that are harmful to us in the name of great marketing and advertising.

How delicious this tastes, all natural, sugar free.

What’s behind such statements?

Substances like MSG, if you only knew how much MSG is consumed and what products companies use it in. Following closely behind are the artificial sweeteners, just as toxic as MSG.

We will start then on the subject of food.

It is ironic that we go out shopping looking for inexpensive food items in order to save money for what, the new car, and our retirement?

All right so you ate junk food for all these years, saved the money. Next thing you find out is you have cancer. Where does all that money you saved go?

Into medical costs!!

Remember to stay on track you need to continue eating junk food.

Next time you buy food or drink, keep this in mind. You do not want to buy Organic. What’s wrong with pesticides or would you think twice if you knew that the pesticides are really neuro toxins.

And if you knew your food was sprayed with a neuro toxin would you be so ready to eat it?

Certified Organic means no toxins, no pesticides, and no herbicides.

Avoid these foods; otherwise it could take you longer to reach your goal.

The food is grown in a healthy environment to sustain you and the earth. Also it means the food contains far more nutrients and minerals.

It has not been genetically altered or engineered. Dollar for dollar, you probably are paying about 4 times more for conventionally grown food because of the lacking nutrients you derive from it.

Do the math,

Buy organic and stay healthy.

Buy conventionally grown, become toxic, set yourself up for cancer and spend your money on medical bills. That’s right keep the system going. They need you to do their experiments and whip out those body parts.

It comes down to the saying the right hand knows not what the left hand does.

How can depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis have anything to do with the food you eat?

How can your child’s ADD be related to sugar and the fried foods you bring home from the fast food chains?

We’ve got antidepressant medication, we’ve got Ritalin, you name the condition, and we’ve got the prescription.

So the one hand continues to feed us with the wrong food and the other hand pops the pills.

And people say we live longer.

This really is a myth.

For those of you who understand the old traditional ways of eating well certainly have a chance of living a long healthy life.

For those of you plugged into the modern system of processed, white, denatured, engineered, and enriched food, good luck in getting to 70 without a cocktail of prescriptions.

Foods that cancer loves are conventionally grown foods, processed foods; foods with a long shelf life - by this I mean artificial or chemical preservatives.

More health thoughts.

Thoughts are quick and changing them takes an instant.

Emotions are slower it takes longer to move from being happy to being sad and vice versa.

The body is even slower and takes much longer to respond to an impulse be it from a thought or emotion. So much so that when the body finally catches up we have long forgotten the origin of the impulse and can no longer make the connection between the 2.

For instance, you get some bad news, you may feel immediate shock. A day later you notice feeling blue and a week later you come down with a cold.

Now most people I talk with about their eating habits have a whole arsenal of defenses in keeping their habits. They may say I don’t have time to be in the kitchen. They are in denial and say, actually you know I eat really healthy. People even when they know they have a condition, be it overweight, cancer, diabetes still will not make the necessary changes. Its remarkable how pig headed we stay. Year after year folks will talk about making changes and never do.

More statistics for women likelihood of cancer is every other female. And men it is 1 in 3, with prostate cancer becoming more and more popular.

Lets say you are told you have cancer, or a defective gene and have a blood condition or perhaps CFS. You raise the white flag and say, Doc I surrender. Do to me what ever you and your team of criminal experimenters want. Invade me, mutilate me, alter me, zap me with radiation, hit me with chemical cocktails. Do your dirty work. Take all my money and that of my family. Bring untold worry and anxiety into the household and when you finally kill me, put me down as another statistic and continue with your next set of experiments on the next victim.

Sounds cool.

We have been subjecting ourselves to this arcane torture since the 1st world war. The enthusiasm continues.

All right so nothing is going to get you to change. However as you have nothing to do with the rest of your life you may as well read on.

Pasteur being a political man had a lot of influence. He proclaimed that each species caused a specific disease. Beauchamp although well respected in his field had little influence and so the concept of germ theory, these invariable little creatures took firm hold.

Beauchamp showed that bacteria and viruses are pleomorphic and not invariable, meaning that microbes are capable of changing form and nature.

This began an industry of vaccinations, antibiotics and a war against germs. If microbes were invariable then by now the war would be over. We bought into Pasteur’s lies and have paid heavily for this mistake.

The chances of developing a disease if you have been vaccinated becomes very high and may only manifest 40 years later. We see how ineffective antibiotics are becoming as bacteria change to resist the drug. Congress mandated that dairy products be pasteurized for fear off poisoning. Whichever way we turn we see that Pasteur ideas don’t hold up. Malaria is another example of a disease changing its form.

What to do.

Some of us, looks like only a handful have decided to go back to the old traditional ways of living and eating which mind you is no easy task as our food chain is contaminated, damaged, toxic and denatured. Even going organic does not ensure you of a healthy life.

The 1st thing to recognize is the symbiotic arrangement between higher species and microbes. The more we encourage these life forces to do their work, the more enlivened we become. We need trillions of these guys for us to be functioning like a well-oiled machine. We need to know how to get them into our bodies in plentiful quantities with every meal we eat and drink.

In the days before the great war, kitchen were hives of food being cultured. A country that stops culturing food looses its culture, begins dying and must disappear from civilization. Culture is the process of fermentation. It is the simple understanding that no supplement, no isolated chemical can ever replace nourishing food that has been cultured.

With this in mind you can look forward to a disease free life.

Everything that comes into your kitchen is fresh or preserved and processed. It will go into your fridge and need to be consumed in a week or thrown out. The processed food will go into a cupboard and will be eaten over a period of time to the detriment of your body and soul.


Because these products are only part of the picture and are missing culture. You can eat fresh food. Certainly you will get nutrients and enzymes from it. But why not build up your reserves of enzymes and probiotics as well.

This means making you kitchen into a production center of fermented foods and drinks.

For instance start by making one recipe. Get that going, enjoy eating it. Understand how you life is enhanced by it. You enjoy the taste and look forward to it at each meal.

Such as sauerkraut. Easy to make, cheap and the best kept secret of all the old ladies and men.

The list of foods you can culture is long

Pickles of all sorts

Sauerkraut and Kimchi

Miso and Tempeh

Soy sauce and Tamari

Coconut chutney

Yogurt and kefir

Raita and Tsatsiki

Buttermilk and cheese

Making you own bread

Sour porridge and grains



Rejuvelac and Kombucha

Wine, beer and cider

Without cultured food, food free of enzymes and bacteria such as pasteurized milk and cheese, you will suffer the consequences and pay dearly in medical bills and your health. If the French can understand that cheese and wine is a good combination then so can you. If the Japanese can eat salted dried fish and sushi the so can you. If the Mexicans eat Ceviche, why not you. Look at the different cultures around the world. We don’t call them cultures for nothing. Take a little from their wisdom and incorporate them into your own eating ways and reap the rewards.

Stick to your quick oats and microwave ovens and let me know how things are going.

Pasteurized and homogenized drinks, including pasteurized milk, cream, butter, pasteurized cheese and fruit juice are essentially devoid of enzymes and hence you can call it dead food.

Its important that you continue endorsing and consuming pasteurized drinks.

The less vital the food, the better.

In fact it is common to see the pigs, donkeys and cows eating cardboard on the streets of India. You too are essentially doing the same.

You can do a little experiment. Buy a slab a pasteurized cheese and a slab of raw cheese. Leave them on the shelf and see what happens. The pasteurized cheese will soon develop mold, whereas the raw cheese will remain fresh.

Have you wondered why your weight does not change even though you drink fat free or 2% fat milk.

What would happen to your weight if you went against the system and tried raw whole milk and raw cream?

As long as the food industry continues the pasteurization and the homogenization process, you can stay on track in getting cancer and ensure your kids are on track.

One reason for pasteurization, is it reduces the likelihood of contamination when the production facilities are not keep clean

I am seeing Health food stores carrying more and more raw foods, such as raw milk, raw cream, raw cheese. I have not seen raw yogurt yet. You will have to make it yourself.

One of the most inspiring recipe books I use, is by Sally Falon called Nourishing Traditions. It discusses all the pitfalls of modern eating and how to get back to good wholesome eating of days gone by.

Foods must have a high enzyme content, so important for your digestion.

There must be plenty of probiotics or natural bacteria to help keep you immune system healthy. You want to stay away from live foods.

Nothing depletes your body of enzymes and bacteria like sugar.

Depression , ADD, not to mention diabetes are key candidates related to sugar.

The list of diseases related to sugar is long and deserves a whole chapter of its own.

Foods must not be fresh, processed, and come in a box with a sell by date of 2050. If it has been irradiated, all the better.

Cooking with vegetable hydrogenated oils is a great way to set your self up for cancer. Ingest those trans fatty acids and you are well on your way.

Do not cook with organic coconut oil. You do not want your food to taste more delicious and not contain those trans fats, otherwise how will you stay on track.

My favorite way of accessing probiotics and enzymes is through a recipe that Gengis Khan brought to Europe, now called sauerkraut or fermented cabbage. If you make it yourself and see the increase in the amount of energy you have, you will know this is the wrong thing to do. You want to have less energy and be less excited by life, keep your spirit low.

Interestingly the culture that has the shortest lifespan are the Hindus that follow a strict vegan diet with no dairy to supplement the diet. They are essentially starving to death from the start. In fact before they are born, as the mother is already malnourished and her baby is not getting the right nutrients.

The Japanese on the other hand have the longest lifespan with their mix of fish, raw foods, fermented foods and rich dairy products.

An excellent way to set yourself up for cancer is to not have daily bowel movements. This will help your chances immensely in getting colon cancer and problems with the rest of your organs, not to mention the increased risk of leaky gut syndrome where toxins from fecal matter can get absorbed through the intestinal lining back into your system.

The psychological problems that go along with not having daily bowel movements are considerable. It is good not to look at what you are holding onto and any fears that are associated with it.

There are more ways of ingesting poisons and toxins other than through food and drink.

Breast cancer is prevalent in men who use underarm antiperspirant deodorants.

I guess if we were not meant to sweat, we would have no pores.

Sweating is one of the best ways to get rid of toxins.

So its best not to take a sauna a couple of times a week.

Check the ingredients on deodorants for metals like aluminum. The brain loves heavy metals and this is a good source to feed the brain with aluminum. The result which you probably won’t remember is Alzheimers or Parkinsons.

Another source for these maladies relating to heavy metals are the silver amalgams your dentist readily puts in your mouth.

If you already have those mercury filings, leave them there. Do not to talk with a Bio –Dentist and find out why it is important to have them removed.

Remember to buy fluoridated toothpaste, (another phenomenally toxic chemical. We use it in the water, why not ingest it directly? After all there are no proven studies that show fluoride reduces tooth decay. If you find a study that does please send it my way.

You will notice on some toothpaste tubes it says ‘do not use more than a pea sized quantity’. The lining inside the mouth is highly absorbent. You will absorb the poison from the toothpaste and not have a reaction by keeping to the guidelines. Otherwise you may need to call poison control.

Old age does not mean gross degeneration of physique and psyche. You can change your beliefs and habits and enjoy looking forward to old age free of arthritis, cancer, dentures and a mental deterioration.

This is really to be avoided. you need to look forward to a rapid decline in your being, Pain is especially important. No pain, no medication, now what good is that. You’ve been paying for insurance all these years. You want to see some return on your money.

It is important not to do any detox or cleansing programs to get cancer.

Like never changing the oil in your car.

Green apple liver flushes with garlic and olive oil, forget about those. Lemons and limes are not to be used to cleanse the kidney.

Never take cilantro, as this is a great way to remove heavy metals.

Just let the junk pile up and when you are well marinated in all this stuff go to your Doctor and get the prescriptions to cover up the symptoms.

Many women have fibroids and either leave them to grow till they get large like grapefruit and then have surgery. Little do they know that a change of diet could easily get rid of them.

People may get cancer, not even know about it, but because their immune system is strong, the cancer goes away.

The question asked is, what if I am tested and find cancer in the very early stages?

This will test your belief system and where you place your trust.

If you only know about modern medicine, you probably will go down that path.

Experiment and your life can be dramatically reduced. You might as well sign up for a stay in a depleted uranium zone.

If you know about traditional medicine and prefer using old wisdom versus current methods of experimentation, you probably will go in that direction. Unfortunately we cannot separate the psyche and our bodies. Whatever path you go down does not guarantee getting rid of the cancer. However it does seem to make more sense that by cleaning out and giving the body a chance, you have more chance of recovery than if you pound the body with more toxins and go in with radical surgery.

The classroom for cancer student is large and very popular. For some reason the experiences people have with cancer are profound and will also have a great effect on those around them. Anything linked with death, pain and suffering certainly gets peoples attention.

Now that you are a statistic you can proceed through the system.

First prescriptions, secondly surgery, thirdly more prescriptions, repeat, lastly death.

In the Chinese medical texts, I read that smoking a few cigarettes now and then can be good for. This has to be natural tobacco free of any additives. Lung cancer is certainly no fun and takes years of smoking to get it. It is well known that smoking is about not wanting to feel. It is a coping mechanism that helps people through the day, helps them to function. Unfortunately it is also a social function, another one of the easy to get into, difficult to get out.

Hair dyes are a great source for toxic materials. Some of you may dye your hair 7, 8 times a year. This is significant exposure to serious chemicals including possibly lead acetate, found in many hair ingredients. Do not reduce your cancer exposure by trying henna or a less toxic dye from a company Eco-Solutions.

Your kitchen may be a great storage area for many carcinogenic chemicals.

A favorite one is bleach. Many woman use bleach on a daily basis and have no idea just how toxic this substance is. Check most of the different sprays, such as ant, roach and plant sprays. All provide an arsenal of chemicals to help you through the next world war.

All your cleaning products should not be checked. Your main natural cleaners are baking soda and vinegar. Do not buy these are they are inexpensive and effective.

If you are using chemicals make sure not to wear gloves. The same goes for car cleaning products. You want maximum exposure to chemicals

Give some thought to the place that you live in. You can boost your chances of cancer by making sure that the water pipes are still made of lead and your walls are painted with paint containing lead. Leave corners and areas of the room to gather dust and mold.. Especially if you live in a moist climate.

Actually it is pretty easy for you to up your chances of getting cancer. The industry surrounds you with products and foods that will help you reach your cancer goal.

The job you have places a daily dose of stress to wear down your immune system.

Your relationship alone or with another is stressful. You never tried meditation and have an odd notion of what that might be. The multitude of Yoga classes and relaxation classes has not entered your consciousness and the thought of getting a massage or acupuncture session is as far away as the south pole.

Religions have been a good way to control sexual desire. They know a thing or two about psychology and mass control. Check what messages you have got from your beliefs regarding sex.

Cancer would really prefer it if you abstain from sex, avoid pleasure, feelings of the divine and bliss. You give cancer a better chance of moving in and taking over. Do not pursue happiness, be miserable, make others around you miserable too, and encourage feeling of guilt and so on.

Cancer is an expression of what you are not living.

Do not let the light shine in, dancing is to be avoided, smile little, be serious, and be narrow minded, conservative. Make sure you take no risks. Don’t seize the day, let it fizzle away.

It is an expression of your anger, your frustration, your longings, your pent up feelings. Your aspirations gone awry. Your fears and years of worry.

Feelings of being stuck and afraid to move forward.

Cancer is an expression of your comfort zone and your willingness to trade in your soul.

Cancer is the lack of communication with yourself and others.

Your inablility to love yourself because you have been programmed to put others before you.

Now you cannot love another because you cannot love yourself. When this happens you are no longer good for the planet and have entered the ranks of the politicians.

It is no wonder that the cure rate for cancer using surgery, radiation and chemotherapy is around 2%. Unless your consciousness shifts, all the modern technology, all the silver bullets are not going to help. Keep your bad habits, the complacency, and the cutting costs on food and don’t bring awareness of living a quality life.

Rituals help you to become centered. You want to wake up in a mad rush. Get out the door, get in the traffic, get stressed, get to work, get cancer. Then you can wear the T shirt ‘Got Cancer’.

The ritual of drinking antioxidant tea, like green tea is part of the daily life. It soothes and nourishes the soul. It brings a calmness and peace of mind. The hot liquid fills you with tranquility, relaxing the adrenals, leaving you mellow and serene.

Do not drink a glass of lemon juice first thing in the morning instead of your strong coffee. You do not want to make your body more alkaline. After all cancer is an acidic condition.

Cancer has to do with stagnation. The less exercise you do the better. The more weight you put on the better. You burn too many calories when you enjoy a good long sexual encounter and it expands the heart. You definitely don’t want that. Keep your heart closed and guarded

What always amazes me is how long people live by neglecting themselves.

I guess we are much more than the body. We really are spiritual beings having a human experience.

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